Other Publications

Selected Peer-Reviewed Articles

Selected Book Chapters

  • Knox, E.J.M. (2022). Censorship and children’s literature. Karen Coats & Deborah Stevenson (Eds.) A companion to children’s literature. New York, NY: Blackwell.

  • Knox, E.J.M. (2021). Agility in an age of information ubiquity: Freedom of expression and information policy. In Duff, A.S. (Ed.) Research Handbook on Information Policy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Knox, E.J.M. (2020). Ethics. In M. Wong and L. Saunders (Eds.), Reference and Information Services (6th ed.) (pp. 27-49). Englewood, CO: Libraries Unlimited.

  • Knox, E.J.M., Oltmann, S.M. & Peterson, C. (2019). Designing research using FOI requests in the USA. Kevin Walby (Ed.) Freedom of Information and Social Science Research Design. New York, NY: Routledge.

  • Knox, E.J.M. (2019). Information access. In Burgess, J.T.F. and Knox, E.J.M (Eds.), Foundations of Information Ethics. (pp. 37-46). Chicago, IL: American Library Association.

    Knox, E. (2014). Religion and intellectual freedom. In M. Alfino & L. Koltutsky (Eds.). Handbook of Intellectual Freedom. Sacramento, CA: Library Juice Press. [Pre-print manuscript-PDF]

  • Knox, E. (2013). The challengers of West Bend: An institutional approach. In L.S. Robbins & C. Pawley (Eds.) Libraries and the Reading Public in Twentieth-Century America. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press.[Pre-print manuscript-PDF]

Invited Publications